Los 4205
NEPAL. Kingdom of Patan. Riddhi Narasimha Malla, 1715-1717. Mohar NS 835 = AD 1715 (Silver, 26 mm, 5.50 g). A central circle surrounded by six inner and six outer petals containing the legend ‘śrī śrī Vīra Hṛḍhi Nara[siṁha] Malla Deva’ (ʻLord Lord Vira Riddhi Narasimha Malla Devaʼ in Newar); a lion to left within the circle which stands for ‘siṁha’ (the word for ‘lion’ in Newar); all within a circle surrounded by a beaded border. Rev. A garlanded sword within a central circle; citing the name of the goddess Karunamaya and three numerals for the date in the six inner and six outer petals around the circle, ‘śrī śrī Karūṇāmaya Nama 835’ (ʻLord Lord Karunamaya Nama. [year] 835ʼ in Newar); all within a circle surrounded by a beaded border. KM 375. Struck from a somewhat worn obverse die and from a slightly corroded reverse die, otherwise, good very fine.

From the Rainer Stoephasius Collection.
25 CHF
120 CHF
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